Sofia Eastmond

Chopra Meditation™ + ThetaHealing®

Sofia Eastmond introduced me to meditation many years ago and it has been one of the most powerful gifts anyone has given me. She is a beautiful teacher and friend and I recommend that you explore her offerings to help you reach your highest potential.

Chopra Meditation™ Certified Instructor + ThetaHealing® facilitator

Sofia Eastmond is a Chopra Meditation™ Certified Instructor and a ThetaHealing® facilitator. She’s passionate about empowering you to reclaim your inner spark and live life from your truest potential. She’s a mum, a wife and the author of the children’s book “The Magic of Who You Are.”

Hey there! I’m Sofia Eastmond.

Most days, you can find me meditating, hanging out with my daughters, reading a good book or cooking delicious food (often with my EarPods on listening to something new or inspiring).

You might also catch me dancing in the lounge occasionally.

I am known for my creativity and passion for empowering others (especially women), my thirst for knowledge and for never shying away from a deep conversation.

There’s also this one night out where I got nicknamed “the priest”, but that’s a story for another day.

My friends call me goddess and I love serving women who are ready to rediscover their inner spark and embrace the fullness of who they really are. And, to me, every woman on this planet is a goddess.

I am passionate about ending human suffering, people reaching their full potential and living life from an abundant perspective.

I’m a huge believer that healing your wounds to become who you’re meant to be doesn’t have to be complicated.

As human beings we come equipped with everything we need to heal ourselves and live the richest expressions of our lives.

All you need to do is tap into that power. And there are so many simple, accessible, nurturing ways to do that, without having to keep poking at the past.

I want you to rediscover your full power, your beauty and, most of all, your natural bliss.

I’m a Chopra Meditation™ Certified Instructor and I serve people who are yearning to reconnect with who they truly are and reclaim the joy, connection and inner peace that is their birth right.

What you seek is already inside you. And meditation is a direct access to it, which is why it’s a big focus in my courses.

Nothing brings me more joy than to give people simple tools to ignite their inner spark and start living from their power.

When I’m not busy teaching and creating, you can catch me:

  • Clubbercising! Yep, it’s a thing! We do a dance workout in the dark with glow sticks to clubbing music.
  • Writing – I’ve loved writing since I was a kid!
  • Tending to my garden. I love learning about sustainability and how to be self-sufficient.

If you’re keen to hear more, here are six things you might not know about me:

  1. In my previous career I was the successful COO of a software company
  2. I love fashion! I love expressing myself through what I wear. I also rock an awesome side shave.
  3. I’m fascinated by politics and the structures of power that govern us and I participate in submissions to the local council whenever I can, particularly around environmental issues.
  4. I’m originally from Portugal, lived in London for 4 years and I’ve been living in New Zealand with my handsome hubby for the last 15 years.
  5. I’m the author of the beautiful children’s book “The Magic of Who You Are” – I believe if children hold on to their spark, they’ll become happy, fulfilled adults.
  6. I’m a proud mum to Isabella and Rosário, the coolest 5 and 6 year olds on the planet. I’m also stepmom to the beautiful Abigail, who’s now 20.

Still here? Let’s connect! Email me at [email protected] and tell me about yourself.

Sofia Eastmond


Call Sofia: 0272797368

Email Sofia: [email protected]


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