Cats Claw Glycerin Extract 100ml (O)
Cats Claw Extract 100ml
Organic Cats Claw has been tinctured with Organic Glycerin + Distilled Water. As recommended by Anthony William (Medical Medium). Our immune systems are constantly working to fight off invaders and keep us thriving. But without the right support, they have to go to battle without a shield or weapon. Arm yourself with Cat’s Claw, a special herb that supports a healthy immune system.
Availability: In stock
Cats Claw Extract 100ml
A Tincture is made by soaking dried or fresh bark, berries, flowers, leaves or roots in alcohol, glycerin or vinegar. These concentrated herbal extracts are fast acting, easy to use and last for years. This process creates a strong, well balanced plant medicine.
Nettle Leaf Extract 100ml contains: Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Glycerin + Distilled Water.
Wildcrafted is all about helping you find your way with the wonders and magic of plant medicine. Everything we need to heal is growing all around us.
All herbs listed on this website are sourced from organic suppliers all over the world (unless specified). I do have some foraged dried plants available, they are available HERE
If you have a special blend request or a question about tinctures please let me know by sending me an EMAIL
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The information on this website is intended only as a general reference for further exploration. It is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Please read warnings tab prior to purchase for more information.
Faith –
Nicky –
Using this every day to help rid my system of viruses and bacteria
Anonymous –
Very good service and excellent product. A very powerful herb…. is proving to assist those who’ve taken the covid jab, now also found in dental and medical anaesthetics.