
Come in and see me!

  • Plant Medicine Woman
  • Biopulse Practitioner
  • Certified TBT Trauma Therapy Practitioner*
  • Mind Body and Soul Alignment

I offer in person or zoom sessions to help you align your mind, body and soul. Reawaken your mind, release thoughts that no longer serve you and find balance in your body.

Plant medicine helps you navigate your journey by anchoring you into the earth. The support of our earths medicines is a mindful and grounding way to empower your mind and strengthen your body.

*I use EFT, or "tapping" as it is more commonly known as, to help you release past traumatic memories and reframe them. One traumatic event, no matter how big or small, can set off a series of ongoing triggers which impact your life long physical and mental health. This causes your body to react subconsciously to everyday things you are not even aware of, releasing low doses of adrenalin and cortisol into the body, resulting in ongoing anxiety. Sometimes you are not even aware of why you are anxious or experience fear.

By helping you connect the dots, you will have the essential tools to live a more joyful life.

The cost of my sessions is $111.11 per session for 1.5 hrs or $44.44 for a 30 minute Navigation Session

Please fill in the CLIENT FORM and then YOU CAN BOOK BELOW


Please book below. If you would like to request a different day than what is available please let me know by email and I will work out a time that suits you.



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