

Zeolite is the name given to crystallised volcanic ash which came into being thousands of years ago when volcanoes eruptedZeolite their magma onto lakes or oceans. A fusion of volcanic lava and alkaline water resulted in the formation of many different kinds of Zeolite crystals. Today Zeolite is found in basalt cavities in volcanic areas around the world.

When zeolite is ingested, either by capsules or by being mixed with water and swallowed, it passes through the stomach untouched and into the small intestine, where it coats the villi (the small hairlike protuberances that assimilate food products). Zeolite particles carry a negative charge and attract oppositely charged particles, according to their order in the Electro Chemical Series.

This is how Zeolite attracts heavy metals, toxins, parasites and the like to it. It binds them to the open points of the crystal and they get eliminated in the faeces or urine. Thus the body is detoxified.

Zeolite does not enter the bloodstream.

ZEOLITE: Detox, bath and body

  • 100g provides 33 servings which are sufficient for a short, mild detox of about 16 days or as a maintenance dose after a body cleanse/detox.
  • 200g Zeolite provide 66 servings. It is the ideal size for a one month detox for one person providing you with approx. 6g Zeolite daily.
  • 500g provide 166 servings that can be used by two or more persons as a detox for more than 40 days or for baths, masks, compresses and more.

For best results take 1 level teaspoon of the powder twice daily mixed with water, at least 1 hour away from food or supplements. Consult your health practitioner for advice if you take prescribed medication.

Drink plenty of pure water throughout the day to help flushing and cleansing the body. Water with a low mineral content is more suitable to remove impurities and waste substances than mineral rich water.

Good times to take Zeolite are the morning and evening to support the body’s rhythm on the peak of its elimination phase. Additionally high-fibre foods such as fruits (esp. apples), vegetables (esp. green leafy vegetables) and green juices (esp. wheatgrass juice) complement the detox process.


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