Biopulse Ionic Foot Spa Christchurch

"Ionic Detox Technology – Foot Spa with Frequency"

Ionic Foot Spa can help lower systemic toxicity by delivering ions or electrically-charged particles to the bloodstream.

Through ionisation the BioPulse machine significantly reduces the body’s overall toxic load by emitting negatively charged ions that bind to positively charged toxins, helping the body get rid of them not just through the feet but through other channels of elimination such as the liver, colon, lymphatic system, and skin.

Not all ionic foot spas are the same.  Unlike other similar machines on the market, BioPulse emits adjustable frequencies that are best suited to help your individual conditions.   The rest of the machines just bombard the feet with ions.  Targeted frequencies to help improve specific ailments plus negative ions make the BioPulse superior to any ionic foot detox machine in the world.  Also many of the cheap foot detox machines operate on just 9-12 volts, which are not enough to break the water molecules apart.  The BioPulse runs on 24 volts, making it more effective in delivering benefits to its users.

Benefits of the BioPulse include:

  • detoxification and rejuvenation at the cellular level
  • clear skin and sparkling eyes
  • weight loss
  • stress reduction
  • soaring energy levels
  • positive moods
  • pain (muscle and joint) relief
  • better sleep quality
  • kills excess candida and other pathogenic (bacterial, viral, fungal) strains having systemic affects
  • helps quell raging inflammation, a concomitant condition
  • stronger immune system

Two or three sessions per week for 1 – 6 months is recommended to achieve real and measurable results, and once or twice a week thereafter depending on person to person, for health maintenance.

READ MORE HERE on Rife Frequencies & the Schumann Resonance

What to expect during your session:

  • A relaxing, supportive environment.
  • Fresh spring water, hydrogen water or a herbal tea of your choice.
  • Time to discuss your foot spa treatment and ample time for questions.
  • You may experience a tingling feeling in your feet.
  • Your feet will be washed and moisturized at the completion of your foot spa treatment.

What to expect after your session:

  • You may experience a tingling feeling in your feet.
  • You may feel energized.
  • You may sleep deeper and longer.
  • You may notice your body feels less achy.
  • You may feel more mental clarity.
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