Sample Tea Pack

Sample Tea Pack

This pack of teas of your choice lets you sample my teas to see which one you like best. Each sample pack contains 20 grams of each of the teas you choose.

You must choose between 2 and 5 packs.  (Basket not included)


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Sample Tea Pack

To view our specialty loose leaf tea blends please CLICK HERE

If you would like a herb that you do not see listed please see our extensive range HERE

For maximum effect, steep 1 teaspoon of the tea for 10-15 minutes in a mug of hot water or better still do an overnight decoction. See here for our instructions on how to get maximum impact from your tea infusions. 

To view my specialty loose leaf tea blends please CLICK HERE

Dried Plants, Seeds, Roots and Plant Powders: No instructions for use are supplied with any single plant sold on this website. Please research your intended use for these products prior to purchase.

Wildcrafted NZ is all about slow living. I will not always have everything available due to seasonal variations in availability of the herbs I use. And, due to our limited climate in our part of the world, we cannot grow everything here in New Zealand. I will always do my best to ensure that the herbs I offer are the very best in quality.

If you have a special blend request or questions, please let me know by sending me an EMAIL.

For extensive information on the medicinal value of herbs please see Richard Whelan’s website. Richard is not only one of the best Medical Herbalists in New Zealand – his website contains a plethora of valuable well documented information on herbs, their actions and how they can heal us.


All information on our website is intended only as a general reference for further exploration. It is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, instructions for use (unless specified), format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. 

Prior to taking any herbal remedy, tincture, tea or herb please consult a medical professional for their advice if:

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • you have an immune system disease such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or another autoimmune disease.
  • you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs.
  • whether any of your medications could interact with this product.

Please see warnings tab for more information.



Tea Choice 1

Bloom Tea, Cleanse Detox Tea, Digest Tea, Focus Tea, Gaia's Breath Calming Tea, Immuni-Tea, Lactation Tea, Stardust Sleep Tea, Twilight Goddess Tea, Wildcrafted Sunrise Blend, Yoni Moon Tea

Tea Choice 2

Bloom Tea, Cleanse Detox Tea, Digest Tea, Focus Tea, Gaia's Breath Calming Tea, Immuni-Tea, Lactation Tea, Stardust Sleep Tea, Twilight Goddess Tea, Wildcrafted Sunrise Blend, Yoni Moon Tea

Tea Choice 3

Bloom Tea, Cleanse Detox Tea, Digest Tea, Focus Tea, Gaia's Breath Calming Tea, Immuni-Tea, Lactation Tea, Stardust Sleep Tea, Twilight Goddess Tea, Wildcrafted Sunrise Blend, Yoni Moon Tea

Tea Choice 4

Bloom Tea, Cleanse Detox Tea, Digest Tea, Focus Tea, Gaia's Breath Calming Tea, Immuni-Tea, Lactation Tea, Stardust Sleep Tea, Twilight Goddess Tea, Wildcrafted Sunrise Blend, Yoni Moon Tea

Tea Choice 5

Bloom Tea, Cleanse Detox Tea, Digest Tea, Focus Tea, Gaia's Breath Calming Tea, Immuni-Tea, Lactation Tea, Stardust Sleep Tea, Twilight Goddess Tea, Wildcrafted Sunrise Blend, Yoni Moon Tea


We do not recommend taking any herbal teas whilst pregnant unless you have done your own research or consulted a professional herbalist or doctor.

If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs please consult your doctor prior to use.

Speak with your healthcare provider to determine whether any of your medications could interact with this herb.

This information in our Herbal Reference Guide is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.

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