Pink Flower with Gold Spots Earrings
These earrings are handcrafted out of porcelain, high fired, hand painted, glazed and then a final touch of gold lustre. Each earring has been fired three times at different temperatures to achieve its unique look.
I simply love creating things out of clay because being able to make such beautiful things out of the earth we stand on gives me so much happiness. The clay I use for these earrings is high firing porcelain – a beautiful medium to work with, smooth and white.
If you have an idea for custom made earrings please let me know. I am open to creating you your very own unique set. If you have a special request for an earring design please let me know by sending me an EMAIL.
If you would like to see more of my wildcrafted ceramics please visit my ceramic homeware page.
Wildcrafted NZ is all about slow living. All of my ceramics are made with a deep joy I have for working with clay – I gift from Gaia that I am truly grateful for. I am open to any requests for customized earrings.
If you would like to stay updated on recipes, information about the herbs I use and other stuff you might find interesting, please check out my journal page.