Lactation: Increasing Milk Supply

There are many factors that affect the milk supply of a new mother. Breastfeeding is like a three legged stool: if one of the legs of the stool is broken the stool will fall over. Let call those three legs 1. successful latching 2. emotional bonding and 3. prolaction levels.

If a mother is experiencing pain or ineffective latching this can have a serious impact on milk supply. Having a support person to help you attain good positioning of your baby and advise you on how your baby needs to latch correctly can often rectify milk production in the first weeks.

Maintaining a good relationship with your baby helps with emotional bonding which in turn can turn up the production of oxytocin and prolaction - the dynamic breast milk duo! Oxytocin triggers the let-down reflex and can help with bonding, which can help make breastfeeding easier.

The more your nipples are stimulated, the more your brain produces Prolaction - which helps stimulate milk production. So the more baby feeds the more milk you produce. Our bodies are so amazing!

The addition of a herbal tea can also help your milk supply. Not only is it important to use a herb that helps the milk production, it is important to ensure the mother is relaxed whilst feeding and that the tea contains nutrition for mother and baby.


The following herbs are suggested for Increased Milk Supply:

  • Fenugreek
  • Goat's Rue
  • Blessed Thistle

The following herbs are suggested for Digestive support:

  • Fennel: aids digestion
  • Aniseed: improves digestion
  • Hops: aids digestion
  • Milk Thistle: supports the liver, improves fat quality of the milk

The following herbs are suggested for a Nerve support:

  • Lemon Balm: uplifting and joyful
  • Hops: gentle nervine, improves sleep
  • Oatstraw: help a frail nervous system

The following herbs are suggested for Nutritional support:

  • Marshmallow: helps the milk ducts stay clear, keeps the milk emulsified
  • Oatstraw: Full of minerals

I am in the process of developing a lactation tea - watch our store for when it comes into stock.

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